Positive! On Sunday April 22nd we got our first positive pregnancy test. Let the shrieking and jumping up and down begin. Austin and I couldn't be more thrilled about this.
I was nauseous and exhausted for two weeks before we saw those two pink lines; I then realized how much work I really had in front of me. I have never been a huge fan of drinking water. I now consume over 70 ounces of water daily. As most of you probably know I am(was) a smoker. Goodbye cigarettes. It was nice to know you but this will push me to quit forever! A healthy lifestyle will be hard but so worth it.
If I pinpointed everything correctly I am about 3-4 weeks along. We wanted to wait to tell everyone after my first doctor appointment but they couldn't squeeze me in until mid-May. I can't even keep my own secret! I am ecstatic about all the support we have gotten from our family and dear friends. This blog is a work in progress so bear with me as I get better with it. I actually created it months ago and never seemed to keep up with it so what is a better time than now? This way I can keep everyone up-to-date. It will be neat to go back in 9 months and see what progress we have made.