Monday, December 31, 2012

39 weeks

How far along: 39 weeks
Maternity clothes: Ohh Yes. 
Stretchmarks: Belly is still clear.
Sleep: Sleep? What is that? Pains in my right side have been depriving me of sleep for about a week.
Morning sickness: Nope
Movement: Its not as rough but now it feels like she rolls around a lot more instead of punching and kicking mom :]
Food cravings: Not so much. 
Food aversions: Greasy anything. 
Have you started to show yet: Definitely.
Gender prediction: It is a Girl <3 
Labor signs: A few mild and inconsistent contractions. Nothing too promising.
Belly button in or out: I'm not quite sure? Kind of just flush at the moment.
Wedding rings on or off: On! 
Milestones this week: Dilated 2cm. Thinned out
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Miss Anything: Being able to sit or stand for long periods of time. 

Austin has the crib assembled! The room is painted grey. Dad and Austin got the lines taped off for the stripes and got her closet fixed up. We are looking for a dresser this week. Have been slowly getting things ready for her to be here and come home. My lack of energy has really taken a toll. I feel like nothing is ready. My mom came over and put my butt in gear to start getting things ready. 


Monday, December 10, 2012

31 - 36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yep!
Stretchmarks: Belly is still clear for the moment. Though I will admit I haven't put anything special on my belly to prevent them.
Sleep: For a couple of weeks I couldn't seem to get comfortable enough to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time. That has since stopped and I am back to sleeping as much as possible.
Morning sickness: Nope
Movement: All day. She has finally started encroaching into my ribs. 
Food cravings: Hmmm, nothing out of the ordinary.
Food aversions: Greasy anything. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes yes yes
Gender prediction: It is a Girl <3 
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks a couple of times. Nothing to crazy.
Belly button in or out: I'm not quite sure? Kind of just flush at the moment.
Wedding rings on or off: On! 
Milestones this week: Well we are now having weekly appointments. As of Thursday I am a whopping one centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. So it begins!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Miss Anything: Being able to sit for long periods at a time.

I know I have really skimped on my blogging the last month and a half. We have about 4 weeks to go. This is where it should get really fun. I will try to remember to be on once a week again. 

We are still working on her nursery. Austin has it painted... Mostly. Has to paint the stripes and I need to order her decal for the wall. We are waiting to get the room painted to set up the crib. I am still in the market for a white dresser. I suppose I am just not looking hard enough. 

And we had our baby shower! It was beautiful! I will have to post about that separately! 

36 Weeks