Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our Birth Story

I have been writing this off and on for months!

Austin and I were blessed with what I would call a perfect birth. I can't thank my husband enough for being so supportive and encouraging. Both of our moms were so helpful.

We delivered at Centennial Hills Hospital. The furthest hospital from our house; it is amazing what you will do just to see a good doctor.

We set out from the beginning of my pregnancy to have a natural birth. No pitocin and no epidural.

I had a friend whom introduced me to water birthing. We did some research and decided to take Bradley Birth classes; They were a miracle! The birth tub was booked and we were ready to go!

I started having contractions Saturday night(01/05). Not consistent enough to worry. We woke up Sunday morning at about 3am and the contractions were ON! Austin stayed home from work; this was the real deal. The contractions were 5 minutes apart for about 3.5-4 hours. My mom came over at about 5am. We started getting stuff put together between contractions. I was exhausted! I fell asleep for about an hour; I woke up and the contractions stopped completely. I didn't get too discouraged. Austin and I went about the rest of our day sleeping and cleaning up the house.

Later that night we were sitting on the living room floor. I was playing with my new Cricut. Contractions started around 10pm and instead of getting excited we just continued to go about the evening. Austin and I took turns timing the contractions. They weren't as consistent as they were earlier that morning. Sometimes they would be 5 minutes apart and others were 10 minutes apart. We had a late dinner and I was still able to mosey around the house. About 1am I went to get up off of the floor and, BAM, my water breaks. I yell for Austin down the hall and he rushed to get me towels. We started to hurry to get the car ready again. Called my mom and she said she would meet us at the hospital. Threw a garbage bag and towel over my seat and we were off!

The drive to the hospital is about 45 minutes. We were thankful it was nearly 2a.m. We were virtually the only car on the freeway. You know that part of the 95 at the Las Vegas Blvd. exit where there are consistent dips in the freeway? We call it the 'whoop' section. Well, I was lucky enough to go through that mid contraction! We got to the hospital at 2. Austin pulls up to the the ER entrance(The regular hospital entrance was closed because it was after hours... or that is what they told me) and as I am stepping out of the car I look down to discover I left the house barefoot... OOPS!

When I was admitted I was dilated to 4cm. I was at 3cm and thinned out at my doctor appointment on Friday. Austin attempted to blow up our birthball and it had a hole. Thank god the hospital has 3 of them, as this is where I spent almost all of my contractions. We turned the lights off, turned on our battery powered candles, and Austin put Jack Johnson on Pandora.

The birthtub was in the process of being set up and I was still in good enough shape to talk and walk through my contractions. Our birthplan stated that we only wanted intermittent monitoring as I wanted the freedom to move around and get in the tub. Well when I would have a contraction the baby's heart rate would dip. Lying on my side or my back hooked up was unpleasant. I leaned over my birthball for the next few contractions and she did better. Kim(our nurse) let me off the monitor and I headed to the bathroom for the hot shower to ease the pain. Still walking through contractions and talking to everyone. Austin was by my side the entire time. When Kim came in to hook me up to the monitor Reagan's heart rate was dipping again. This left me attached to monitors for another hour or so. Finally she told me that I needed to have fluids. I was not hooked to an IV, however, when I was admitted they put in a hep-lock for emergency purposes. Finally after being on the birthball through a few contractions Reagan's heart rate was okay; she let me off the monitor.

There was a shift change about 5 hours into my labor. Bev was our new nurse. She was a lot more lenient about the monitor and used the doppler instead of hooking me up. I was thankful for that!

I wish I had a better concept of time through this because I can't recall at what time they checked me and I was dilated to a 6. Around 8 o'clock the contractions were getting so intense that I could barely stand. It was time to hook me up to the monitor but I got in the tub instead. I needed some sort of relief as the birthball and the shower were not cutting it anymore. I leaned over the edge of the tub with Austin rubbing my back. Austin and my mom were taking turns holding a cold washcloth to my neck or head. After 30 minutes or so of being in the tub I had the urge to push. I told my mom to let Bev know and she came to checked me and I was at 9cm. She said I had some effacement left to do. I don't think 5 minutes went by and I told my mom that it was time to push NOW! Dr. Harter came in; he checked me and I was to 10cm and fully effaced. We were ready; I leaned back against the tub with Austins arms under my arms to support me. Harter checked me and he told me that Reagan was OP(Occiput Posterior); her head was down but she was facing my abdomen. He was able to turn her. About 10 minutes in Dr. Harter told me to reach down and feel her head. She is almost here! I don't think I pushed 20 more minutes and Reagan was on my chest. 9:09 a.m. 6 pounds and three ounces. She was 19 inches long.

Austin cut the cord once it stopped pulsating. Here comes the tricky part... Getting out of the tub and into a bed. They put Reagan on my chest as soon as I was able to lay down. She latched on immediately and fed. 

I wouldn't change a thing about my birth. Hospital, home, or birth center... All of us moms are united. Our bodies do amazing things.

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