Thursday, June 7, 2012

10 weeks

I skipped last week so hopefully there will be more to say this week! 

 Sick, sick, sick.  That is all I have been lately. And tired of course. I finally convinced Austin to buy me a bigger bed. Sleeping on a queen sized bed with him and my enormous body pillow just isn't working out. I just want to sprawl out. I am not looking forward to the day I can no longer sleep on my tummy so I am taking full advantage of that.  

My second appointment is next Thursday. I can't believe the countdown is already down to 5 weeks to find out the gender! This is going by way too fast. I will say I am looking forward to the second trimester.  Everyone says I should feel better. I sure hope they are right.  I am over being tired 24/7.  

We are thinking the little nugget is a girl.  Everyone else seems to think so too. So we will see who will owe us money when it turns out to be a baby boy!  


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