Friday, June 15, 2012

11 Weeks

Yesterday was Dr. appointment number 2!
After over an hour in the waiting room I finally stepped on the scale.  Much to my surprise I have lost weight?  However, I am eating healthier[[usually]].  We were able to see baby's arms and legs in the ultrasound.  He/She was sure thrashing around in there.  Finally got to hear the heartbeat.  Absolutely breathtaking.  Baby went from .84 CM to 4.21 CM in a matter of a month.  Wow

By my next appointment we will know the gender of the little nugget!  My doc wont do a gender check until 19 -20 weeks but I am able to go to a 4D ultrasound place and find out at 14-15.  My only concern is that they look like little aliens this early in the 4D images.  I'm not sure I even want to see that.

This week has been a tough one!  Hormones are not treating me well.  Or maybe that is just my excuse that I never had for being completely out of my mind?  Morning sickness has ceased for now.  I am SO thankful for that.  I am still tired as ever.  I don't think I have been up on time all week.  I was practically nodding off in the waiting room yesterday.  Cannot wait for that to pass as well.

I am still missing my caffeine.  But other than that all is well here!  

The awesome 'new mom' comments from people are already getting old.  Yes, I have changed plenty of diapers in the past.  I am aware that I wont fit into these jeans, thank you.  Yes, I know I look like crap today.  Thank you for letting me know how much sleep I won't be getting. 
If people would just keep their mouths shut the world would be a better place.

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